Kid 4 Life
This is a record of what ever the hell I want to share with you about my misadventures as a professional video game artist, personal life or whatever else strikes my fancy. Hopefully, you may learn something from my mistakes.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ok, so this is the 55" HDTV I was telling all of you about. It's a 300lb. behemoth, stupidly only two guys moved it. One being a pretty thin light-wieght asian (my roomate). It was borderline insanity. Both of us were sore as hell the next day. Rob (my roomate) came up with a brilliant caveman Idea of using a plank to slide the TV up onto so we could get it up the stairs easier. HAHA... *grunt-snort* We must have looked like confused Neanderthals. My digital camera sucks so, enjoy. The picture on the TV is unbelievable... and yes, that's Tekken 5 playing in 16:9 HD mode. Jealous? *evil laughter* X-box looks KILLER on it too. :D